
Thursday, May 21, 2015

Scrapbook Pages from Week 20

Hi, everyone! I have a couple of scrapbook pages to show you from Week 20. I used some Paper Studio (Hobby Lobby) filler cards that Kati gave me for Mother's Day. I love, love, love these cards. I like the colors and the overall look & feel of them. (I gotta get me some more!)

For this first page, I let the photos do most of the talking. I did print out a status that Tom posted to Facebook one day that week. (I had to highlight the part about me in red because I love to hear / read / see how much he loves me.)

I was very excited to get a large American Flag to proudly wave on our dock, and we've been wanting some lights for the dock too, so Tom hung those up. It's so pretty at night.

Yes, our doggies were frog hunting in that one picture. There are so many new creatures here at the lake house that they didn't get to play with where we lived before. It's rather hard to get them to come inside sometimes. They have too much to explore and get into. LOL

That's it! Thanks for stopping by. I'll see you next time!
:) Janis


  1. Oh my great layout Janis! I love the views you guys have. Ya'll are definitely living the American dream!! I love what Tom wrote, about the tv and about you! And Bonnie, well she just looks as happy as a lark! Like your dogs, I loved frog hunting too when we lived in Conway, SC. lol I love frogs and still pick them up when I see them hopping along on a summer's night in our yard. We don't have many though, but we did have a bear come out of our corn field 3 years ago on Memorial weekend!! He was a "teen" bear and so cute! Hugs, Brenda

  2. Wonderful Project Life Layouts!!! Love seeing the pictures from your new place! :) Have a Wonderful Weekend! :)

    Scrappers Anonymous
