
Thursday, October 25, 2012

MFPS Oct. Stamp Release Blog Hop... Day 3

Welcome to Mark's Finest Papers a Heinrich Company's 
  October Blog Hop! 

This month's New Stamp Set Releases are
Christmas Selections Featured October 23
Poinsettia Blooms Featured October 24
Cracked Hello Featured October 25
On the Fly Featured October 26

Please hop along with us because you have a chance to win one of the above stamp sets! Just comment on the following blogs (don't forget this one), each day for more chances to win.(You do NOT have to comment on all the blogs each day because winners are drawn randomly.) All four winners will be announced on October 27, 2012 on the Mark's Finest Papers blog. And if you miss a day, no problem! Just go back and comment. (HINT: The more you comment, the more chances you have to win, and comments on the MFP blog count twice!) The deadline for commenting is 11PM EST on Friday October 26, 2012.

Today's Featured Stamp Set, Cracked Hello, and my projects:

Cracked Hello... buy it HERE
Isn't this stamp set just cool? My mama loves butterflies. Every time I see a butterfly, I think of her. 
For my project, I decided to create some mini cards and a fun little note card and envelope holder to store them in. I used the Artiste cartridge (Thanks, Lucy!) to cut the "purse" (aka mini note card and envelopes holder), the mini cards, and the envelopes for the cards. This was a very fast project. It just all came together easily.

I thought the purse just needed something. So I added the ribbon purse strap, a button, some white doodling and of course the new HELLO stamp from the Cracked Hello set.

My cards have the same front flap as the purse flap.
More white doodling, some inking around the edges, and of course some of the new stamps from the CRACKED HELLO stamp set.

I stamped the butterfly twice, once above HELLO and once hanging off the side.
The butterflies are colored with pencils.
The background is chalked very lightly just to give it some color.

#438, M 10-12 #4
I thought the envelopes should match, so I stamped the butterfly on the flap and then added the HAPPY DAY stamp from this same CRACKED HELLO new stamp set.

This set was so fun that I decided to make another project using these stamps.

Again, I used the Artiste cart for the tag base cut @ 5 1/2" and adhered the scallop oval tag with an Action Wobble (thanks, Theresa!). The butterflies were stamped and colored with colored pencils then cut out and adhered with foam tape for dimension. Their wings are curled up also as "in flight." The cracked background and sentiment are also from this AWESOME stamp set. Twine and gingham ribbon added for fun.

#439, M 10-12 #5

Go check out what my Design Team Sisters are up to! Their talent and creativity are amazing. Thanks for stopping by! Don't forget to leave a comment for a chance to win some stamps!

Thanks so much for stopping by today! 
:) Janis


  1. Such cute and fun projects! I like the interactive wobbler that you used!

  2. Great project! I really love the action wobble you used. HUGS AJ-

  3. Oh my gosh! You're brilliant! I love your projects, the way you have coloured your butterlies is gorgeous. Love your action picture too, lol. cheers Linda

  4. Janis -you out did yourself on this project girlfriend! I think you have my mailing address if you want to send me that cute purse - LOL - so creative! Thanks for sharing! Enjoy your week! Oh, love the tag too! Wobble, wobble!

  5. Cute set for your first project, but I really like that tag with the wobble. I've got a few of those stashed in my drawer!

  6. Oh my goodness, your little purse is darling!!! All of your projects are great!

  7. two great projects....the little purses and that wobble on the tag is terrific!
    stamping sue

  8. That purse is dang adorable!

  9. Love it! A purse card! How creative!

  10. Wow Janis--what great projects!!!! Love them all. TFS

  11. What fun and and very cute projects! Lovely work.

  12. the cracked is awesome. follower.

  13. Great projects. I love your little purse. I can't wait to make one myself.

  14. Wow so many fabulous projects!!! What a super fun purse!!!! Love the tag with the action wobble!!!! Loads of inspiration here!!!

  15. Janis,
    What lovely and awesome projects you made! The little purse is adorable.

  16. Cute purse full of cards and envelopes and like the 2nd one very much too.

  17. Like the Cricut made purse & use of the stamp set. I also like Butterflies.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"

  18. a card purse, how cool is that?! Fabulous creations Janis!!
    I'm definitely eye-ing up that crackled hello, you're such an enabler! :)
    hugs & blessings

  19. What a fab purse! I love how it is holding little cards! Your tag is fab too! That crackle stamp is too cool!


  20. Such cute ideas for these stamps!

  21. Great projects, especially the purse and cards. TFS

  22. So cute Janis, and I love that tag!! :)

  23. Loving the mini note set and purse holder. I just bought a wobble thingie, but haven't used it as yet. Looks like fun.

  24. What a cute little note purse. I like your wobble tag. Great projects!

  25. Love the wobble tag. I need to get one of those and give it a try.
